Opinion: Is oil-rich Angola a development success?
updated 10:32 AM EDT, Thu August 30, 2012
- Oil-rich Angola is holding its second peacetime elections on Friday
- The country has experienced strong growth in the years after the end of its civil war
- Resource-rich countries with little political accountability have trouble converting resources into development
- Business profitability among the poor is constrained by lack of education and health services
Editor's note: Arne Wiig is a Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)
and coordinator for its research cluster "Poverty Dynamics. He has
undertaken long−term fieldwork in Angola, Namibia and Bangladesh. Ivar
Kolstad is Research Director at CMI, focusing on poverty dynamics,
natural resources and development and corporate social responsibility.
(CNN) -- Ten years after the end of its civil war, Angola, which is heading to the polls Friday, has been transformed into a regional African power with a strong economy, but poverty is still widespread.
Angola experienced double
digit growth in GDP annually in the period 2002-2008. In the last five
of these years, average annual growth was at 17%, which more than
doubled the size of the economy. The country is the second largest oil
producer in sub-Saharan Africa, and the third biggest economy, after
South Africa and Nigeria.
Do these tremendous growth rates mean that Angola has escaped the so-called resource curse,
where oil resources are detrimental to growth? Is Angola likely to
continue growing at these fast rates, and perhaps catch up to the
largest economies in the region in a few years' time? Is Angola a
success in terms of development and poverty reduction?
It is not uncommon for
countries that come out of a civil war to grow at very high rates. The
growth seen in the period 2002-2008 may thus reflect the end of the
civil war in 2002.
Read related: Post-war generation emerges as Angola votes

Arne Wiig
If there is a tendency to
blame all that is wrong in Angola on its war legacy, perhaps the end of
the war should be credited for things that have been going well?
It is always problematic
to speculate about future growth rates. After 2009, growth has dropped
to around 3% per year and projections for the coming years are in the
range 5-8%. There are many reasons for this significant drop, the
financial crisis and oil price development are part of the explanation.
But in the longer
perspective, there may be more fundamental structural challenges to
Angolan growth and development. In particular, research shows that
resource-rich countries with little political accountability have
trouble converting resources into development.
Angola scores still low on governance indicators, and the coming elections seem unlikely to challenge the over 30-year-long reign of President Jose Eduardo dos Santos.

Ivar Kolstad
Watch: Angola's economic potential
The fact the Angolan
economy is the most concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa also makes growth
vulnerable. The profitability of the oil sector renders diversification
difficult in any economy.
But is the Angolan government really trying to diversify?
An important question is
how government reliance on oil rents affects political incentives to
diversify the economy. Business environment indicators for the country
remain poor, while investment is hampered by a lack of education and
institutional challenges.
Do the poor care about
the overall growth rate of the Angolan economy? Experience shows that
growth reduces poverty less in countries with high initial inequality.
And oil-driven growth in a country with low political accountability is
susceptible to wealth concentration rather than redistribution.
Employment in the oil sector is typically also too limited to produce
widespread economic opportunities.
Read also: Ghana's oil discovery: blessing or curse?
We really don't know too
much about the situation of the poor in Angola today. The last real
census in the country was conducted in 1970. The last figures on poverty
are from 2000, putting the proportion of people living on less than
$1.25 a day at 54%. Angola ranks as 148 out of 187 countries on the Human Development index.
Based on a household sample, INE estimated
a poverty rate of 37% in 2008. However, it is difficult to assess how
the poverty line was constructed. As data is not directly comparable to
previous studies, it is also problematic to analyze development over
time. In spite of this, the President claims that the poverty rate has
been reduced from 70 to 37% from 2002 to 2008.
A census is due to be held next year. Interestingly, but perhaps not surprisingly, it takes place after the coming elections.
Some data of a more
limited nature do provide a window onto the situation of the poor in
Angola. In 2010, the Angolan NGO Development Workshop and the Chr. Michelsen Institute conducted a survey of microcredit clients in Luanda.
Results suggest that
business profitability among the poor is constrained by a lack of
education and health and by corruption. This indicates that the factors
that restrain dynamism in non-oil segments of the Angolan economy, also
act as constraints on the very survival of the urban poor.
Without structural and
political reforms of these constraints, it is hard to believe that an
election in and of itself will change the lives of the poor. (Ally Kennedy)
If Angola is thriving economically right now, then why are they ranked as 148 out of 187 countries on the Human Development Index?
ReplyDeleteIf Angola is thriving off of oil then how is the wealth being distributed down to the local level?
Because Angola is still trying to climb the economic tree and trying to come out of the civil war crisis they had. So from where they were to going up to 148 is remarkable.